
Upcoming Shows

January 14th at Cafe Colonial

With The Sub-Atomix, The Enlows, and Lads and Crawdads

$10  Doors at 7, Music at 7:30

Past Shows

Friday October 13, 2023

Spinal Sac - Spinal Tap Tribute at the Starlet Room

with The Ruby Woos, Bad Barnacles, Hard Luck Daddies, the Sugarpushers, and Dalrymple and the Wild Daimons

September 10, 2023 at Cafe Colonial

With Dangerforce 5 and The 4th Kind


This one goes to 11!  

May 18, 2023 at Old Ironsides

With Giant Red Rabbit and Dangerforce 5

April 22, 2023 at Cafe Colonial

With Cyberbullies, Lamonta, and City Smog

December 2, 2022  at Cafe Colonial

With City Smog, Guide Dogs for the Blind, and Orange Peel

November 16, 2022 at Goldfield Midtown

With Adelita's Way, Taking Dawn, and No Silence